65 ºF
May 20th 64/73 ºF
Overcast clouds 73% humidity Wind 4.21 mi/h NE


A journey to the heart of mining in Mazarrón and the region

Exhibition in the Casino and Casas Consistoriales buildings

Exhibition dates: 17 February – 14 September

  • Visiting hours

Monday to Saturday: mornings from 10 am to 2 pm – (Annual)

Thursday and Friday: afternoon from 5 pm to 8 pm – (Winter)

Thursday and Friday: afternoon from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm – (Summer)

***Both buildings will be closed on the last Saturday of the month and on public holidays.

“Mazarrón: el Prodigio impensado”, is the title of Lidó Rico’s second exhibition as part of the ‘Horados’ project, whose purpose is to highlight the most notorious enclaves of the Murcian mining sierra.

The philosophy of this exhibition is to bring to the present the memory of those people who subordinated their existence to the hard work carried out in the mines. Contemporary art becomes the most effective tool for establishing a series of metaphors whose power to actively involve the spectator is evident in each of the different pieces that comprise it.

Thanks to his capacity for empathy, Lidó Rico has managed to make his own the essence of the personal suffering involved in the harshness of mining-related work, reaching such heights of intensity that the shudder can be felt in every corner of the intervened spaces.

Childhood, harshness, despair, affliction and severity, but also commitment, certainty and conciliation are the underlying themes of the exhibition with a total of 30 works.

The exhibition has been curated by the chronicler Mariano C. Guillén, and by the cultural manager Miriam Huéscar.


From 17 February to 14 September 2024


Free entrance


Casino de Mazarrón – Casas Consistoriales
Plaza del Ayuntamiento s/n