76 ºF
May 20th 64/76 ºF
Scattered clouds 53% humidity Wind 15.05 mi/h S


Calendar of free guided cultural and hiking tours - April

The cultural visit duration (approx. 1h) / hiking route (approx. 3h) may vary depending on the number of participants or other unforeseen circumstances.

Own car necessary to reach the meeting points.

The meeting point will be communicated once registered.

Pets are not allowed.

During the activity, parents, legal guardians or accompanying adults will be responsible at all times for ensuring that the child or adolescent follows basic rules of responsible behaviour.

The Department of Tourism and the guides will not be responsible for any incidents caused by participants who do not follow an ethical code of conduct.

IT IS COMPULSORY TO FILL IN ONE FORM PER PARTICIPANT indicating all the personal data required, including the number of ID card, NIE or Passport. It must be indicated if any participant is a minor. Under no circumstances may people who have not previously registered for the visit or route take part in it. The tour or route may be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.

Unless otherwise indicated, all visits and walks will be conducted in Spanish.

  • Abril

– Hiking: Vuelta a los Cabezos de Pastrana y Montejú por las ramblas de Pastrana y Malcamino – Sunday 28 April at 9 am > Registration


April 2024





Bahía de Mazarrón