51 ºF
January 18th 49/59 ºF
Overcast clouds 76% humidity Wind 10 mi/h NNW


Official School of Languages Mazarrón - 2023 / 2024

Enrolment period for the Official School of Languages of Mazarrón will be open from the 22nd of September.

On-site, part-time, distance and intensive courses. If you have any doubts about access or levels, come and we will advise you. From A1 to C1 English and our specific French course.

We are in the CEIP Miguel Delibes, 2nd floor in Puerto de Mazarrón (next to Lidl). More info at www.eoicartagena.org


Enrolment from 22nd September



CEIP Miguel Delibes
Calle Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, 1
Puerto de Mazarrón