Since Roman ages, Puerto de Mazarrón has had an overall fishing specialization. Its3 5km of coast is ideal for recreational fishing purposes.
It is the perfect spot for recreational fishing. In order to manage the use of beaches, the local government modified in 2015 the bylaw for beach spots, including fishing laws.
Due to the several quality programs of the municipality, such as Q de Calidad, Banderas Azules (Blue Flags), etc. a Royal Decree (BORM nº 137, 17 june 2015) was issued based on art. 21 of the Municipality Law for ‘Use and management of beaches’ to define periods and schedules for modern fishing. Decreto de Alcaldía nº 1284/2017 (Mayoral Decree no. 1284/2017)
Fishing activities are not allowed in the following beaches, due to ‘Q de Calidad’, ‘Bandera Azul’ or canine beach quality labels:
Mojón beach; Alamillo beach except the beginning of the canine beach and zebra crossing opposite the Banderas Azules signal; Gachero beach (canine); Rihuete beach; Port beach, Bahía beach; La Reya beach; Nares beach; Castellar beach except the stretch between canine beach and playgrounds; Las Moreras (canine); Bolnuevo except the lifesaving spot;Covaticas (canine) and Percheles.
New beaches will be added to the group in the future if they have quality label distintives.
Fishing contests will take place upon previous authorization on those beaches, except canine.
From June, 1st to September 30th, from 22 h to 7 h night fishing will be permitted for those who have licenses in the following beaches:
Mojón beach; Alamillo beach except the beginning of the canine beach and zebra crossing opposite the Banderas Azules signal; Isla beach, Ermita beach, La Pava beach, Castellar beach except the stretch between canine beach and playgrounds; Bolnuevo beach between Rambla and fifesaving spot; Rincón and Piedra Mala beaches.
From October 1st to May 31st, 24-hour a day on the aforementioned beaches, with 30 meter separation from bathers in the fishing zone.
All year long permission on rock zones because they are not considered as bathing spots, as well as unspoilt spots not previously mentioned.
Strictly prohibited
Enter or leaving the sea with loaded guns and handling them on land.
Fishing activities during San Juan and Milagro de Bolnuevo (beach) bonfires, as well as City Council events that imply crowds on beaches and coves.
Handling of fishing tools that can be dangerous for beach users.
No fishing in canine beaches.